About Our School
The McBride vision to Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected to succeed in
dynamic world.
Excellence in education, for Every Student, Every Day, Everywhere.
Value 1: We believe in providing high-quality service compassionately to military-connected
children, whose parents provide valiant service to our Nation.
Value 2: We believe that kindness and empathy among educators and toward District
stakeholders enhance the process of providing educational support.
The original McBride Elementary School was built in 1966 and dedicated to the memory of CPT Morris R. McBride, who gave his life in Vietnam and was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his heroic actions. A rededication ceremony for the original building was held in 2006 to renew awareness of CPT McBride's service and to re-establish ties to the McBride family.
The new Morris McBride Elementary School was opened in July 2016. This facility is a state-of-the-art, 21st century facility holding over 600 students and about 70 staff members. The layout of the building is open and welcoming with an abundance of natural light in all areas. The grade level areas are "neighborhoods," the classrooms are "studios," and each neighborhood has a common area called the "hub." Students and teachers move through the day working in large and small groups based on curriculum needs and student achievement data.
As part of being a 21st century school, the new building has higher environmental standards. It is 30 to 40 percent more energy efficient than a school the same size. We plan to achieve the silver rating from the United States Green Building Council Accreditation for Environmental Stewardship. The school itself is a teacher tool for science, technology, engineering, and math standards with a focus on energy conservation. The new McBride School cost approximately $32 million dollars to complete.
Teachers have a common office area in each neighborhood that helps facilitate the constant collaboration the teachers engage in. Each teacher teaches each student in a grade level. As one teacher said of her students, "They get the best of all of us!"
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new McBride School was a moving experience. CPT McBride's widow and family were able to attend. The speakers at the ceremony, including DoDEA Director, Tom Brady, and DoDEA Americas Southeast Superintendent, Dr. Christy Huddleston, expressed pride in the school and deep gratitude to the family. The original building dedication had been fifty years earlier, and DoDEA again promised to keep the memory of our hero, CPT Morris R. McBride alive for future generations. Inside the main hallway of the new facility is CPT McBride's picture along with a description of the Army Values he exemplified. Students are challenged to show how they can exemplify the Army Values as they work together each day.
When the family of CPT McBride came through the front doors of the school on the day of the dedication, bystanders were moved by what an emotional experience it was for them. Greeting the family was a 2-story high picture of their Morrie, who continues to inspire the students, and faculty of Morris McBride Elementary School to excel at whatever they decide to do.
Our Namesake, CPT Morris R. McBride
In 1966 , Morris R. McBride Elementary School was dedicated to the memory of CPT Morris R. McBride. CPT McBride was a soldier, a leader, and an American hero.
A 1957 graduate of the United States Military Academy, CPT McBride came to the Fort for the Infantry Officer Basic Course before heading to Italy to serve in the 52nd Armored Infantry Regiment. He returned to the Fort for the Infantry Captain's Career Course and then volunteered for duty in the Republic of Vietnam. While serving in Vietnam, CPT McBride was an advisor to a Vietnamese Ranger Company. In April 1964, during an attack, the Vietnamese commander was wounded, and CPT McBride assumed command. Under heavy machine gun and mortar fire, CPT McBride stayed with the covering force and was the last to withdraw after directing the company through successive positions. During the withdrawal, CPT McBride stopped to give assistance to the wounded Vietnamese commander and was then mortally wounded. For his courage in bringing the company back to safety with no regard fro himself, CPT McBride was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.
CPT McBride lived a life which exemplified our Army values. His love for learning, his care for children, and his commitment to selfless service make Morris McBride an ideal namesake for our school. Read more about CPT McBride.
On November 17, 2006, our school was rededicated in memory of CPT Morris R. McBride after "Forty Years of Excellence." This important day, which allowed us to reconnect with our past, was a time to hold up the life of CPT McBride as an example for all of us to follow. In this ceremony, our principal, Mrs. Phyllis L. Parker, pledged to give our students every opportunity to remember the man for which our school is named and to give our students every opportunity to practice the Army values, the values by which CPT McBride lived his life.
The students of our school have learned about their hero. They had a "Curious About Morrie" Day November 7, 2006. CPT McBride's friends called him Morrie, and through those friends, the students learned that Morrie was an athlete, an adventurer, a skydiver, a musician, and even a singer who loved to learn about foreign cultures and customs. It was an opportunity for the students to understand more about Morrie McBride.
It was a great honor that CPT McBride's widow and other family members were able to attend our rededication. The school had not been able to locate any of CPT McBride's family, but when an article about "Curious About Morrie" Day was published in the Columbus Ledger-Inquirer, local family members saw the article and contacted her about the rededication.
School Improvement Plan Content
The Plan’s content contains a set of goal areas that pertain to the three vision components and a carefully developed set of achievable objectives that measure the goals quantitatively using data.
For students, the goals are math achievement, literacy achievement, and social/emotional health.
For staff, the goal is pedagogical skills and social/emotional health.
For parents, the goal is being informed and active in their children’s academic learning.
Vision Area 1: Student Achievement and Social/Emotional Growth
1.1 The percentage of McBride students scoring in the “Meets or Exceeds Expectation” on the CCR Literacy Writing Claim will increase from 29% to 35% by the end of SY25.
1.2 The percentage of McBride students scoring in the “Meets or Exceeds Expectation” on the CCR Math Major Content Subclaim from 44% to 56%by the end of SY25.
Vision Area 2: Thriving Staff
2.1 :Teachers will have strong pedagogical skills, knowledge, and ability.
2.2 Staff will have high emotional well-being and be socially connected to other District stakeholders.
Vision Area 3: Parent Engagement
Parents will be informed about and involved in their child’s learning.